E-Learning Day

Dear 4C and 4E pupils,

For today’s E-learning, you will be commenting on 4C’s drama videos uploaded onto SeeSaw. The instructions will be at the end of this blog post.

What to comment:

  1. Were the actors clear in their dialogues?
  2. Did the group include feelings and thoughts into the scenes that they acted in? State examples.
  3. Can you make out what the scene is about? If yes, summarise the scene in your own words. If no, please feedback on what can be improved.
  4. Avoid commenting “good”, “very good” and other vague comments.

What to do:

  1. Login to https://web.seesaw.me/
  2. You may access SeeSaw via handphone as well
  3. Click “I’m a student”
  4. Scan the QR code below


If you have problems, please leave a comment and tell me exactly what the problem is.

Have fun!

Mrs Sofian


  1. Mrs sofian I went in to seesaw as a student but I don’t know the code I also can’t login to the other subjects please help me


  2. It say that is not supported for the students even when I tried to open the link in my phone but it still says its not supported


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